I don't really want this to turn into a blog about just hockey, although that could be easy to do. But I want to try to push my opinions and points of view down your throat and try to make you see things my way. Not just in hockey, but in any aspect of life that currently holds an interest or some importance to me.
Having said that, if you are a Canadian citizen, you should not, and CAN not vote for Stephen Harper.
Now don't get me wrong here, I hate the guy. But there are actually legitimate reasons to get this nutball out of power. There are several things about him that have been a kick in the teeth to all citizens.
Here come the bullets.
1 - He has been found guilty of contempt of Parliament. This is the only ruling government in Canadian history to have done this. He was found guilty of lying about expenditures and the costs in his party. This from the same man who, during the last election, promised "Transparency in Government".
2 - Bev Oda (i THINK thats who you spell her name). This is a member of his house who was found guilty of falsifying federal legal documents. If I had done such a thing, i would be in a prison cell right now, not sitting in my office chair with the full support of my boss.
3 - The Coalition threat. Now I could go on for days about this, but what you must understand is that yes, its a potential. But so what? Do you think Harper would have gotten ANYthing done with a minority government without teaming up with at least one of the other parties? Thats what a coalition is, its a government of 2 parties working together to institute policy in House. And how soon Harper forgets that when he ran the Reform, he held press conferences asking for the same damned thing! which he now of course denies, despite having it out on newsreels all over Canada.
Listen, Harper is a poor PM. He doesnt like his government to be called the Government of Canada, he prefers The Harper Government. Whats wrong with this picture people? Its power, power power.
Now Elizabeth May is a very nice woman, but shes obviously not the sharpest knife in the drawer. Without a seat in House, she goes up against Peter Mackay and gets clobbered. So THIS time, she takes on Gary Lunn, another PC house member who has held his riding for nearly 20 yrs. Why would anyone vote into House someone who apparently doesnt know what shes doing? Jesus woman, go to Sticksmash Saskatchewan or something and run against a cow! GET IN THE HOUSE! dont try to make statements about your party if youre not sitting at the dinner table.
In my opinion, she has no place at the Debates either. Get someone in the House and then maybe. otherwise, the Marijuana party, the Marxist party, the Blue flying nuns with shorts party will ALL want to debate. Actually that sort of sounds fun.
Duceppe. Not a national party. No place at the debates as such, but they have a voice in the House, so what can you do?
Layton. I think this is Jacks last pull at the pork. He will not win, and without a fair showing, the party is mired as a third of fourth place team. They are important, as they always have an impact, but they are not THAT important.
Ignatieff. Hes the only real choice. Now this is a very very smart guy. And he has enough smarts and enough backbone (seen recently in his comical attacks on Harper) to get in. As long as we dont split votes.
So there you have it folks, now you know who to vote for in the upcoming Federal Election. Make sure you do as you're told, like good Canadians :D